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Machig Labdron Nunnery Project

Machig Labdron is an Australian Buddhist nunnery located north of the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion, in Bendigo. After a lengthy planning stage, building is now underway. This project will assist the nuns to best uphold the Buddhist teachings, monastic tradition, and the wider community in many ways. As Lord Shakyamuni Buddha has said “Wherever there is sangha, there the dharma will flourish”

Machig Lhabdron nunnery was named by Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche, after the 11th century Tibetan emanation of Prajnaparamita, the Mother of all Buddhas. Machig Labdron was an adept and outstanding teacher, a mother, and a founder of the unique Mahamudra Chöd tradition. Mahamuda Chöd is found the Mahayana Buddhist tradition we follow.



Geshe Thubten Rabten with the nuns community pictured at the nunnery building site 2024



model of the nunnery designed and made by Venerable Tsapel who has spearheaded the nunnery project



the current progress of the building of the nunnery with the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion in the background.



builders progressing with the nunnery project which we all hope to be completed early in 2025

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